Archive for haters

Attention all E-BALLERS–why you do not see your comment on Ify and Them

Posted in Blog Warning with tags , , , , , on September 19, 2008 by missify

Sigh…I knew this day was coming.  Unfortunately, America, I have to remind all of “Ify and Them” etiqutte.  First, as explained by blogstar “b.scott,” an E-baller is one who gets “balls” “testicular fortitude” on the internet, but is otherwise a coward, so they express negative thoughts “virtually” instead of intelligently articulating their thoughts.

I have come across two e-ballers today (I think they are related) and though I would post their comments so that the world can view their disrespect, they were so offensive (and of course they would not understand why) that I spared all the agony.  Furthermore, to show diplomacy (which they obviously would know nothing about), I emailed one of them….to discover that they had a FAKE email (surprised? I’m not).  So for FUTURE commenters, know that I WELCOME (as most non-passive agressive posters know) ALL comments…but I welcome no personal attacks of any kind (even if not towards me or my crew) unless it is on the RICH & FAMOUS! We are too wonderful as human beings of ALL races to think very differently but we do have the capacity to RESPECT.  The choice is yours.  There are many hate-blogs for you e-ballers to hackle and spit and all that jazz.  This “ain’t” that site.

Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming.  HATERS NOT WELCOMED (and how dumb of you that I can trace your computer…that’s intelligence for you).

Blessings 🙂